A black athlete takes his starting position for a race with prosthetic running blades attached

Racial Disparities in Amputations & Prosthetic Devices in America

As a concept and as an experiment, America was founded on the simple, inarguable principle of equality. But throughout our modern healthcare system, equal access doesn’t always translate to equal options or equal ability.  Over the past few years alone, reports and statistics have revealed numerous disparities in how female, Black, or low-income Americans receive…

A Black father kneels to the floor while helping his teenage son fit on a prosthetic running blade

The Above & Beyond Guide to Prosthetics – Answering Your Questions

Nobody walks out of their house one day expecting to lose a limb. Most of us never imagine it. So, when it happens, amidst all the pain and frustration, the disappointment and recalibration of our lives, we also have questions to deal with—about our future, our mobility, and our ability.  At Above & Beyond Orthopedics,…