Thankful for Options – A Guide to Different Prosthetic Devices

Thankful for Options – A Guide to Different Prosthetic Devices

The loss of a limb would be frightening for anyone. Amidst all the consequential medical choices, adjustments, and bills, it’s easy to take the first prosthetic device you’re offered. A loss of mobility and ability can put us in the headspace of defeat, so what does it matter which prosthesis we ultimately accept? All our…

Smart Prosthetics – How 21st-Century Tech Increases Independence

Smart Prosthetics – How 21st-Century Tech Increases Independence

These days, there’s hardly a device, gadget, or simple machine that hasn’t been changed by the digital revolution. We’ve got refrigerators that automatically take stock and reorder groceries. We can unlock front doors from a continent away with a simple mobile app. Technology and connectivity have improved nearly every aspect of modern life, and prosthetic…

man in a wheelchair greeting man with a prosthetic leg

Made in Grosse Pointe – Above & Beyond Orthopedics & Prosthetics

Made in Grosse Pointe – Above & Beyond Orthopedics & Prosthetics August 24, 2022 In the usual course of life, feeling different is one thing, but feeling limited by those differences is another. People of all age groups in Grosse Pointe, MI, and Metro Detroit are dealing with limitations right now—limitations to homelife, to enjoyment,…